New online portal for defective block homeowners now live

A new online portal to assist defective block homeowners access the enhanced scheme has gone live today.

The Payment Module is now available for all applicants who have received a Remediation Option and Grant Amount under the provisions of the Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme.

This enables approved applicants to submit their Payment Claims to Donegal County Council as well as ancillary grant applications.

To date, the Council’s DCB Grant Office has processed grants of over €21m.

Councillor Martin McDermott Chair of the Council’s Defective Concrete Block Grant Committee says the facility will make the process more streamlined for homeowners engaging in the scheme:

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The Council’s Michael McGarvey, has responsibility for the Private Enhanced Defective Block Grant Scheme says efforts are being made to claim back costs for those who have been caught between the old and new scheme:

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Full Statement:

Donegal County Council confirms the release of the next phase of the Online Portal for the Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme, with effect from Thursday 29th February 2024.

The Payment Module is available for all applicants who have received a Remediation Option and Grant Amount under the provisions of the Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme. This further development enables all approved applicants to submit their Payment Claims to Donegal County Council, in respect of remediation works, through their Online Portal facility.

To date, the Council’s DCB Grant Office has processed validated Payment Claims to the value of more than € 21m and the Council fully recognises the importance of timely stage payments to minimise potential delays to applicants in the remediation of their homes. In that regard, the Financial Administration of this Scheme is closely monitored and if required, additional staff resources will be assigned to this work.

This updated systems release also includes for applications in respect of all three elements of the Ancillary Grant through the Online Portal facility. Firstly, in respect of alternative accommodation where the relevant dwelling is no longer habitable due to damage caused by defective concrete blocks in construction OR where the alternative accommodation is necessary during the carrying out of the remediation option. Secondly, the Ancillary Grant provides for Storage Costs for the contents of the relevant dwelling whilst the remediation works are ongoing and thirdly, in instances where Immediate Repairs are required to be completed to the relevant dwelling.

The Council’s DCB Grant Office continue to monitor and update applications, which are reflected on the Applicants’ Online Portals, providing information on the approved Grant Amounts under the Enhanced Grant Scheme, together with all payments already issued to date in respect of Professional Fees/Remediation Works and Emergency Ancillary Grants. This process will take a number of days and once completed, the Applicants’ Online Portal will update accordingly. Therefore, in the interim, the Council respectfully asks applicants to defer from contacting the DCB Grant Office until this exercise is fully completed.

As already advised to approved applicants, who have received notifications from the Council’s DCB Grant office in respect of their approved remediation option and grant amount, the Council takes this further opportunity to remind applicants of their obligations under the Remediation of Dwellings Damaged by the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Act 2022, in respect of submitting their Notice of Commencement of their Remedial Works to the Council. This facility is available to approved applicants through their Online Portal and in accordance with the Act, Notices of Commencement must be submitted not more than 14 days prior to commencement of their remedial works and not less than 7 days prior to the commencement of remedial works.

The Council’s website will also be further updated to provide additional information for applicants on the submission of Payment Claims in respect of Remediation Works and in respect of the Ancillary Grant.

Donegal County Council acknowledges the cooperation and understanding from applicants and all stakeholders as we have progressed through the various stages of the Previous Grant Scheme and the transition to the Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme since July 2023 to date.
