DCC to seek funding for a realignment of the N15 between Stranorlar and Killygordon

Minister Jack Chambers has asked Donegal County Council to send a briefing note to his department regarding the need for a realignment project between Stranorlar and Killygordon.

It follows a recent visit to Donegal, during which he drove along the route, including the infamous Corcam Bends.

Cllr Patrick Mc Gowan says it’s important that work is done on the road, which was to have been improved over ten years ago, but that plan was sidelined and never reinstated………………

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Pic – Bryan Cannon, Head of Roads, Cllr Patrick McGowan,  Minister Jack Chambers, John McLaughlin, DCC Chief Exercutive


Donegal County Council briefing note

N15 Stranorlar to Lifford – National Primary Road

The N15 National Primary Road stretches from Lifford in east Donegal, through
Ballybofey/Stranorlar, bypasses the towns of Donegal Town, Ballyshannon and Bundoran before
passing through north Leitrim and north Sligo and terminating in Sligo Town. The N15 from Sligo to
Stranorlar is part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) whilst the section from
Stranorlar to Lifford is not. The section of the N15 from Stranorlar to Lifford is approximately 20km
long and provides a vital link between Donegal and Northern Ireland connecting to the A5 at
Lifford/Strabane. This section of the N15 is a single carriageway road with a legacy sub-standard
cross-section, horizontal and vertical alignments and with a maintained but regularly deteriorating
pavement condition. The map below, in figure 1, shows the N15 between Stranorlar and Lifford.

Figure 1 – N15 Stranorlar to Lifford
Historic Policy and Scheme

The National Development Plan 2000-2006 identified that improvement to the National Primary
Network for routes to the northwest included the N13-N15 Sligo to Donegal Town to Lifford and
Letterkenny/Derry routes. This was again re-emphasised in the National Development Plan 2007-
2013 where the ongoing development of the Atlantic Corridor was highlighted, of which the N15
Lifford to Stranorlar forms part.

Based on these policies the N15 Lifford to Stranorlar road scheme was funded and developed
through Phases 0 to 4 of the TII (formally NRA) project management guidelines. In 2009 a
Preliminary Design Report, Route Corridor Selection Report and the Environmental Impact
Statement were prepared. This preferred route was adopted and included in the Donegal County
Development Plan (CDP) at the time and has been retained in subsequent CDPs. Figure 2 below
shows the route currently retained in the CDP 2024 to 2030.
In 2010 no further allocation was received for the project and all design and planning work was

Figure 2 – N15 realignment route reserved in CDP 2024-2030

Post 2010 and present status
National Development Plans, post 2010, and the National Planning Framework, have not specifically

referenced this section of the N15. However, these plans do speak clearly of the need for cross-
border and regional connectivity particularly in the northwest. The North and Western Regional

Assembly’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy highlights and the importance of the Atlantic
Corridor and lists the N15 between Lifford and Stranorlar under Regional Policy Objectives (RPO 6.8).
Donegal County Council has explored a variety of avenues to improve this section of the N15. A
safety priority was identified on a 2km section of the route immediately east of Stranorlar. This
project, the N15 Corcam Bends, is currently at Phase 2, Route Options. The progress of the project
going forward is subject to continued funding from what is a limited national fund for new roads and
route improvement.

Inclusion in National Development Plan and Support Required

Whilst the N15 Corcam Bends project is welcome it does represent a piecemeal approach to improve
a legacy section of the National Primary Road Network. The remaining 18km of the N15 between
Stranorlar and Lifford remains at a low standard including section that pass through the villages of
Killygordon, Liscooley and Castlefin. As a strategic route with a high HGV count this is an immediate
and continuing safety concern.

Donegal County Council asks that the N15 Stranorlar to Lifford Scheme be included in a revised
National Development Plan. The Council requests that a project be commenced to deliver a strategy
for improvement of this section of the N15. This will permit the development of a pipeline of
targeted improvements for the route.
