Election 2024 Update: Letterkenny LEA

Donal Mandy Kelly looks set to retain the seat he was co-opted onto following the death of his brother Manus Mandy Kelly.

Latest tallies show that he was topped the poll, securing 1,761 votes making him the leader in the Letterkenny LEA.

Fianna Fail Councillor Ciaran Brogan looks set to follow his party colleague Donal Mandy Kelly in securing a seat on Donegal County Council.

The 100% Redress Party has fared well in Letterkenny with their candidate Tomas Sean Devine receiving 1,259 first preference votes according to today’s tallies.

Fine Gael Councillor Jimmy Kavanagh who was without a running mate this time round looks safe as does Independent Michael McBride, another sitting Councillor.

Sinn Fein’s Gerry McMonagle looks set to retain his seat with transfers from his two running mates likely to take him over the line.

It could be a tight battle for the last seat between Donal Coyle of Fianna Fail with 948 tallied votes and Aontu’s Mary T Sweeney on 760 and Kevin Bradley, Independent on 717.

There are 7 seats available with 18 candidates on the ballot paper.

Live coverage from the Letterkenny Count Centre at the Aura Leisure Centre starts on Highland Radio at 9am.

