Leo Varadkar advised ‘mica’ candidate could win seat in General Election following stepping down of Deputy Joe McHugh

It’s been revealed in an article published by The Ditch that former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was given political advice from Attorney General Rossa Fanning following the resignation of Deputy Joe McHugh from the Fine Gael parliamentary party.

Deputy McHugh stood down in July of 2022 after voting against Government in the controversial Enhanced Defective Concrete Block scheme, which he said didn’t go far enough.

The outlet reports that in an published letter, Varadkar was warned that a ‘Mica’ candidate could win a seat in the next general election given how politically sensitive the issue is in the county.

Mr Fanning wrote the letter to the then Taoiseach after a private meeting with Deputy McHugh in February of 2023.
