Two paddleboarders rescued by Bundoran RNLI

Two paddleboarders drifting out to sea at Bunlin Bar, just past the Carrickfad rocks in Donegal Bay were rescued by Bundoran Lifeboat yesterday afternoon.

The father of one of the casualties made a call to the Coast Guard after seeing the two girls being blown further out to sea.

The lifeboat was on scene within five minutes, and brought the girls safety to Creevy Pier.

The RNLI says both were wearing buoyancy aids and appeared to be in good health. One of them had her mobile phone with her, allowing them to maintain communication while adrift.


RNLI Release in full –


Bundoran RNLI Tasked to Rescue Two Casualties Adrift on a Stand-Up Paddle Board
News release 28/07/24 
At 16:29 today, Bundoran RNLI was tasked with rescuing two female paddleboarders drifting out to sea at Bunlin Bar, just past the Carrickfad rocks in Donegal Bay. The lifeboat launched in calm weather with a maximum swell of 1 meter and a wind force of 2.
The father of one of the casualties made the call to the Coast Guard as he observed the two girls being blown further out to sea.
The lifeboat, helmed by Rory O’Connor and backed up by Bundoran crewmembers Richard Gillespie and James Cassidy, arrived on the scene within five minutes of the initial call.
Upon arrival, the crew observed that both casualties were wearing buoyancy aids and appeared to be in good health. One of the girls had her mobile phone with her, allowing them to maintain communication while adrift. The lifeboat safely took them aboard and brought them back to Creevy Pier, where they were reunited with their father.
Speaking after the incident, Rory O’Connor, helm on the call, said: “Something like this can easily happen to anyone going out on the water. What was important here today was that both casualties were wearing their buoyancy aids and had a means of communication with them in case of getting into difficulty. It’s only three days since we had World Drowning Prevention Day, and these are some of the key things we highlight to people when entering the water, as you never know when you will get into difficulty.”
If you are heading out on the water, remember to check the weather conditions in advance, always wear a buoyancy aid and always bring a means of communication.
Key facts about the RNLI
The RNLI charity saves lives at sea. Its volunteers provide a 24-hour search and rescue service around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland coasts. The RNLI operates 238 lifeboat stations in the UK and Ireland and more than 240 lifeguard units on beaches around the UK and Channel Islands. The RNLI is independent of Coastguard and government and depends on voluntary donations and legacies to maintain its rescue service. Since the RNLI was founded in 1824, its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved over 142,700 lives.

