Donegal Half Marathon race director pays tribute to volunteers

The volunteers and community groups who came out in force to ensure the smooth running of Sunday’s Donegal Half Marathon have been commended by race director, Brendan McDaid.
The annual event, first staged in 2014, attracted an entry of almost 600, with 480 taking the starter’s whistle. Foyle Valley’s Gary Slevin secured the Dessie Larkin Perpetual Shield when breaking the tape in 74:13, with Letterkenny AC’s Claire McGuigan leading the senior women home in 80:57.

“We’re absolutely delighted with how things went,” the race director commented.

“We had nearly 500 participating on Sunday morning which is up significantly on last year’s finishing field of 384. So, to have around 100 more taking part this year is something we are extremely happy about,” he added.

“After the first couple of years, there was a bit of a decline in entries. But there’s been a steady rise in numbers over the few last years and Sunday was out biggest entry since 2016. I’d attribute the increase in numbers to a few things. People who are part of the couch to 5K groups are moving up the distance and taking on a different challenge, while the event is also a Donegal Athletics Board championship race which is attracting a bigger club interest. The look and quality of the specially commissioned tops and medals also helped to attract more runners and walkers,” Brendan commented.

“So many people played their part in making Sunday’s race such a success. The Kernan Retail Group is the main sponsor, and they have been on board since 2019. Having such good support from Kernan’s makes things much easier for the organising committee. Optum sponsor the volunteer t-shits and have been with us since the first race ten years ago.

“In recent years, Century Cinemas have teamed up to sponsor the children’s 1K fun runs, while Donegal County Council and Donegal Sports Partnership continue to lend their support. John Curran and his team from the Donegal Volunteer Centre are an important part of the setup, while Geard McGinley and Neily McDaid do great work in coordinating the marshals. Garda Sergeant Eunan Walsh and his unit always give great support, while Letterkenny CDP and Fáilte Ireland are also involved. The combined efforts of all contribute to making it the people’s race. That was the vision the late Dessie Larkin, who was the driver behind the event, had back in 2014. Ten years on, it is very much the people’s race and the people’s half marathon,” he commented.

Donegal County Councillor, Ciaran Brogan, who was the starter for Sunday’s race, said the Donegal Half Marathon is a great example of community effort and community spirit.
“It was a really enjoyable spectacle and despite the damp conditions, there was a great atmosphere out on the course and around the Aura Leisure Centre. Between the Donegal Volunteer Centre and locals, around 100 people were involved in helping with the staging of what is a brilliant race,” he commented.

“It’s so well organised, caters for all levels and the focus is very much on making sure those taking part are kept safe and enjoy the experience. Congratulations to the organisers and well done to all who completed the distance,” Cllr Brogan added.
