Donegal continues to have the lowest income in the state

Donegal continues to have the lowest average earnings in the state, according to the CSO.

2023 figures which have just been published show that while Donegal had one of the highest percentage increases in median income last year, the figure is still 23% lower than the national average.

Median weekly earnings were highest in Dublin last year at €793.71, a 4.8% increase on the 2022 figure. Weekly earnings in Dublin were 13.5% higher than the State’s €699.28, and 40.0% higher than Donegal which, at €567.04, had the lowest median weekly earnings of all counties.

The largest percentage increase in median weekly earnings was recorded in Longford, where the increase was 5.4%, compared to the national increase of 4.2%. Notwithstanding the fact that the county has the lowest median income in the state, Donegal’s increase at 5% was the third highest in the country, according to the CSO.

Donegal was also bottom of the table when it came to mean weekly earnings in 2023. The Donegal figure was €678.63, the only county in the country to record a median income below €700. The national average was €895.51.


Median figures for the past three years –


Mean figures for the past three years –


