Preparation of Moville Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan to commence

Donegal County Council have announced the commencement of the preparation of the Moville Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan.

The local community will be able to give their opinions at the first drop in later this month.

The funding for the Strategy has been allocated from the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, Department of Rural and Community Development through a funding application submitted by Donegal County Council in partnership with the Moville Tidy Towns.

GM Design Associates have been engaged to prepare the Strategy and to facilitate the public consultation and engagement that will be undertaken as part of the process.

The key areas for regeneration in Moville will be identified through community engagement which will take the form of drop in events, targeted stakeholder engagement and submissions.

The Strategy will also set out the anticipated timelines and potential funding options to deliver the specific projects identified.

To date, GM Design Associates have met with some of the local groups/organisations and the first community drop in event has now been arranged for Thursday 19th September from 3pm to 8pm in the Glencrow Hall, Moville.

Following the drop in event and targeted stakeholder engagement meetings, all the feedback and submissions received will be collated and a draft Moville Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan will be prepared.

This Draft Strategy will be the subject of further community engagement and consultation with a view to having the final Moville Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan in place in 2025.
