Family of Donegal man who died at Derry hospital call for fresh inquest

The family of a Donegal man who died at Altnagelvin hospital in 1973 have requested a fresh inquest into his death.

John O’Sullivan, a Customs and Excise Officer died in the hospital’s intensive care unit following a crash.

The family of John O’Sullivan are raising questions over his death given that he had been assessed upon arrival at Altnagelvin Hospital of having a reasonable chance of recovery.

It’s understood, at the same time, two police officers were admitted to the same ICU following a republican paramilitary attack.

Mr O’Sullivan’s family said they understand he died when his assisted breathing apparatus became disconnected.

They said there was no RUC investigation into his death in hospital and an open verdict was later recorded by the local coroner.

His family also said they have been refused a request by the Northern Ireland Office for a public inquiry.

They are now requesting that the Attorney General for Northern Ireland, directs a coroner to conduct a fresh inquest into his death to answer what they say are “inconsistencies, discrepancies and questions which could be addressed by way of a coronial investigation”.
