New study shows inner leaf sulphate attack is happening, but at a slower rate

A comprehensive study into cement and concrete has show the extent the which the level of deterioration of inner leaf and foundations is slower than outer leaf.

The study confirms that internal sulfate attack, brought on by oxidised pyrrhotite is the cause of failure in Donegal homes.

As controversy continues with regards to the level of downgrading of engineers’ recommendations, the report’s authors also point to the danger of treating outer leaf only, saying that while the deterioration is slower internally, it is happening, and not addressing it means there will be serious problems in the future.

On today’s Nine til Noon Show, Dr Andreas Leeman of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials and Science Technology said the report’s findings are clear……….

You can listen back to that discussion in full on the Nine til Noon Show which is podcast on, or watch the show on our Facebook pages, or our YouTube channel, HighlandRadioIreland

