Ulster Human Rights watch has asked the ICRIR to carry out a review of the Teebane (tee-ban) massacre, an incident which saw eight men killed in a van and others seriously injured.
Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the bombing which is to have been orchestrated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army.
The men were travelling from Omagh to Cookstown following construction work on the Lisanelly Army Base.
Ulster Human Rights watch has asked the ICRIR to carry out a review of the Teebane massacre, an incident which seen eight men killed in a van and others seriously injured.
Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the bombing which is to have been orchestrated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army.
UHRW Advocacy Manager Axel Schmidt said there are two main reasons for warranting a review.
Firstly, a review by the Historical Enquiries Team identified a number of suspects. However none of them were arrested or interviewed.
Secondly, it’s hoped technological advances in forensics could reveal new information if twenty exhibits were re-tested.
Mr. Schmidt also says that the families believe the blast could have been avoided if the appropriate protective measures by the employer Karl Construction and the RUC’s ‘Operation Ironside’ been followed.
Tomorrow a commemoration will take place at the site of the explosion, at Teebane Crossroads at 3 o’clock.