Resident arrested at Tyrone care home after “vigilante” visit

The BBC is reporting that a resident has been removed from a County Tyrone care home after being arrested on suspicion of attempting sexual communication with a child.
The arrest followed the arrival of a number of people at the care home who claimed to have gathered information about inappropriate online activity.
They were described as a “vigilante-type group” by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority.
BBC News Northern Ireland is reporting that when the group arrived at the home last month they were polite, non-aggressive and did not film or publicise the incident.
Having been refused permission to speak to the man, they handed over a file which they claimed contained information about inappropriate online activity.
After the group left, police were contacted. The man was subsequently arrested and detained on suspicion of attempted sexual communication with a child.
The PSNI has confirmed the man was later released on bail and is no longer living at the care home involved.
Its understood the Southern Heath Trust had put a care plan in place which allegedly stipulated that he should not have internet access as a result of previous activity which the BBC says was not criminal, but did give rise to concern.
The precise location of the care home has not been disclosed.
