Donation Box stolen from Christmas Lights display in Kerrykeel

It’s emerged that a charity donations box has been stolen from outside a house in Gortcally, Kerrykeel, which is renowned for its Christmas lights.
The theft happened at some point between 3.30 yesterday afternoon and 10.30 last night.
The donation box was situated beside a large crib at the foot of the driveway of the home. The metal box is homemade and red in colour, metal with the words “Donation box” written on the top in white.

There has been a donation box in place at the home for 16 years, gardai say this is first time that something like this has happened.
Anyone with any information, or who noticed anything suspicious in the area is asked to call Milford Gardaí on 074-9153060.
Earlier, Mary Whoriskey spoke to Greg Hughes on the Nine til Noon Show………….

Pictures from the Whoriskey Christmas Lights Facebook Page
