Life-saving equipment vandalised in Strabane

There’s been condemnation after life-saving equipment was vandalised along the Strabane Canal over the weekend.

The Chair of the local PCSP Cllr Maurice Devenney says they will be working with others to ensure that the equipment is replaced or repaired as soon as possible, and he encouraged anyone with any information on those responsible for this mindless destruction to inform the police as soon as possible.

PCSP Statement in Full –

Anger at vandalised water safety equipment at Strabane Canal


The Chair of Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has expressed dismay at the vandalism of life-saving equipment at the Strabane Canal over the weekend.

Speaking on the incidents, PCSP Chairperson, Alderman Maurice Devenney stated: “I am shocked and dismayed that important life-saving equipment has been vandalised over the weekend.

“The water safety equipment located along the Strabane Canal is there for the safety of all users and this senseless destruction defies all comprehension.

“The PCSP has worked with a number of groups over the past years to enhance the safety of all our waterways and I cannot understand the point of tampering and vandalising this equipment. We will be working with our partners to ensure that the equipment is replaced or repaired as soon as possible, and I would encourage anyone with any information on those responsible for this mindless destruction to inform the police as soon as possible.”

Ivan Barr, District Commander, Community Rescue Service, added: “Despite the best efforts of PCSP, CRS and the community as a whole to ensure the health and well-being of those utilising our waterways, there are still some people who think it is ok to play Russian Roulette with the lives of others through the vandalism of this vital life- saving equipment.

“This foolhardiness is going to cost someone their life. We are constantly appealing to those responsible to wise up. It will be too late when they ruin their own life by causing the death of another by their unwelcome and irresponsible actions.”

