Chair of Friends of Lifford Hospital “not surprised” by damning HIQA report

The Chair of the Friends of Lifford Hospital has said that the findings of a recent damning HIQA report regarding Lifford Community Hospital did not surprise him.

Lifford Hospital was found to be in a state of disrepair in the HIQA report, with a number of areas found to be non-compliant with HIQA standards. Mould was present in many rooms, as well as a smell of damp, and the roof of the building was left unrepaired in the two years after the previous HIQA investigation – causing severe damage to the structural integrity of the building.

The HIQA report also slammed the hospital for not meeting standards relating to individual assessment and care planning, managing behaviour that is challenging, staffing as well as fire precautions.

The Hospital has been closed for renovations since July when the inspection took place.

Speaking on today’s Nine til Noon Show, John Quinn says that he and other committee members of the Friends of Lifford Hospital group, commended staff for their continued provision of care in such poor conditions…
