Council says meeting with Minister O’Brien was ‘constructive’

Donegal County Council has described yesterday’s meeting with Minister Darragh O’Brien as constructive.

The Minister met with the local authority to discuss a number of motions submitted by Councillors on a range of issues pertaining to defective concrete blocks.

In a statement, Donegal County Council says the delegation that met with the Housing Minister highlighted concerns in relation to a number of families who require immediate emergency assistance.

In particular, the need for the €15,000 grant to be made available urgently was emphasised.

The Minister agreed to provide clarification soon and to hold further discussions on modular homes.

Minister O’Brien welcomed the progressing of Stage 1 applications with 54 approved since clarification was issued. It was agreed that where the Council cannot approve applications, they will be referred to the Housing Agency.

It was confirmed that the regulations for the enhanced scheme would be drafted by January. The Minister also plans to facilitate payment of stage 1 fees to those who submitted applications since February 2022, as quickly as practically possible.

Darragh O’Brien indicated that there would be further engagement shortly on the need for emergency assistance for some homeowners.

Full Statement from Donegal County Council:

A delegation from Donegal County Council met with the Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, Darragh O Brien, yesterday, 7th December in order to discuss a number of motions submitted by elected members on a range of issues pertaining to defective concrete blocks.

The motions related to the enhanced scheme, temporary modular housing and an emergency fund to deal with a number of urgent cases. The Minister indicated last month that he would meet with a delegation from the Council in order to discuss the motions.

The meeting was constructive, and the delegation highlighted concerns in relation to a number of families who require immediate emergency assistance. In particular, the delegation emphasised the need for the €15,000 grant that is planned under the enhanced scheme for alternative accommodation to be made available urgently for these families. The Minister indicated that he was anxious to find a solution to this issue, and it was agreed that there would be further clarification very soon. It was also agreed that there would be further discussions on modular homes.

The Minister welcomed the fact that Stage 1 applications are now progressing since his Department issued clarifications to the Council on the decision making parameters, and noted that the Council has already approved 54 applications since the clarification was issued. It was also noted that where it was not possible for the Council to approve applications, that they would be referred to the Housing Agency for determination.

The Minister confirmed that the regulations for the enhanced scheme would be drafted by January, and that he also planned to facilitate payment of stage 1 fees to applicants who have made application since February 2022, as quickly as practically possible.

The delegation highlighted the particular urgency of the families requiring emergency assistance, and the Minister indicated that there would be further engagement very shortly in this regard.
