Bluefin tuna captured in Donegal Bay, recaptured three years later in Spain

Two rare recaptures of tagged Atlantic bluefin tuna have been recorded.

After first being captured, tagged and released by skipper Adrian Molloy on October 2nd 2020 in Donegal bay, the same fish was caught again on September 11th this year off the North-East coast of Spain.

The second bluefin was originally tagged and released by skipper, Tony Santry on August 23rd 2023 off the Kerry coast – and recaptured just 22 days later on September 14th 2023 off the west French coast.

Dr William Roche of Inland Fisheries Ireland says; “to date, 1,619 bluefin tuna have been tagged by skippers along the north west, west and south coast of Ireland since the Tuna CHART programme – an inter-agency Government research initiative – started in 2019.”
