Riverine Park a step closer as DCSDC grants planning permission on the Strabane side

The Riverine Park project is now on step closer after Derry City and Strabane District Council granted planning permission for the Strabane section of the project.

The park will link Lifford and Strabane with a new pedestrian and cycle bridge, along with a community parkland which is intended to bring the two communities together and encourage greater levels of positive cross community contact.

The project has had its difficulties, funding under the EU’s Peace Programme was lost last year when a foreshore licence couldn’t be secured on the Lifford side in time to meet the deadline.

Officials say they hope a new application will be successful, with confirmation expected shortly.

The motion to grant permission was moved by Deputy Mayor Cllr Jason Barr…………..


DCSDC statement in full –

Exciting plans for a cross border community park linking Strabane and Lifford with a new pedestrian and cycle bridge came a step closer to fruition this week as planning permission was approved for the Strabane section of the project.

The Riverine Community Park’s eastern portion, the section that lies in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area, was approved by Council’s Planning Committee at it’s monthly meeting in Derry Road in Strabane.

It follows an earlier approval by An Bord Pleanala for the development on the Lifford side which means all planning consents are now in place for the project.

Included in the Tyrone side of the development is a new open area of space, site access, amenity lighting and a bridge to the western section of the park at Lifford.

The overall project will connect the two currently separated lands either side of the border with a new pedestrian and cycle bridge and a community parkland which aims to promote walking and cycling routes, bring the two communities together and encourage greater levels of positive cross community contact.

A significant application for funding is pending a decision for SEUPB under their Peace Plus Programme with an anticipated outcome later this Spring.

Chair of Council’s Planning Committee, Councillor Sean Mooney, welcomed the approval.

“This is positive news for the people of Strabane and Lifford that this key element of the ambitious Riverine project has received full planning permission,” he said.

“The long awaited Riverine Community Park Project aims to regenerate this border riverside area to create a cross-border community park straddling the River Foyle and deliver much needed parkland space in the area.

“The completed project will be a shared space to bring communities together from both sides of the border, to re-connect and to form new connections and relationships.”

Members heard that the walkways and greenways will be linked to the Lifford side via a footbridge and its design is reflective of a historic railway bridge further along the River Foyle to create a sense of place.

Full details of the Riverine Project can be accessed at www.derrystrabane.com/subsites/riverine-community-park

All planning application forms, drawings, letters etc. relating to this planning application are available to view on www.planningni.gov.uk.

