Two properties burgled in Letterkenny

Two businesses in Letterkenny have been broken into and burgled.

One occurred in Market Square, and the other on Castle Street.

Gardaí are now appealing for information on the incidents, it is unknown if they are linked.

On Monday the 22nd of July, the property in Market Square was entered at 3.35pm via a smashed window.

Doors and other items were damaged during the incident, however nothing was stolen.

Meanwhile, between lunchtime on Thursday the 18th of July and the following Wednesday, a business on Castle Street was burgled.

A window broken at the rear of the building and entry was gained.

Damage was caused within the building and a copper cylinder and pipe were stolen from it.

Gardaí are asking that anyone who may have information in relation to either incident, or dash cam footage to make it available.
