Council says it’s committed to increasing the level of social housing provision in Donegal

Donegal County Council says it’s committed to increasing the level of social housing provision in Donegal.

Officials were answering questions from Cllr Gerry McMonagle, who asked how many people are currently in receipt of homeless vouchers, and how many reported they were facing eviction over the course of the past year.

Officials confirmed that at present, Donegal County Council is supporting five families, one couple and 34 individuals with B&B vouchers.

From July of last year to the end of last month, 10 families and 39 individuals reported to the council that they had received notices of termination from their landlords.

Asked about the council’s long term plans to address these issues, the reply states the authority aims to provide a further 1,268 housing units by the end of 2026, and is also working to provide more emergency accommodation.

With that in mind, the council recently sought expressions of interest from owners of apartments, hotels, guesthouses and other facilities with a view to having them included on the council’s list of emergency accommodation locations.

The statement concludes that Donegal County Council will continue to work with the North West Regional Homeless Forum to implement the action plan recently adopted by members.

