Uisce Eireann urged to act immediately on water issues in South Letterkenny

A Letterkenny councillor says Uisce Eireann must address water supply issues in the Bomany, Tulluygay and New Mills area as a matter of urgency.

IN a statement to Highland Radio, Uisce Éireann says it is aware of ongoing issues with a small number of elevated properties on the south side of Letterkenny, and a longer-term solution to address these supply issues for customers in Letterkenny is currently at design stage which includes examining the feasibility of an additional pump station to serve the area.

However, Cllr Donal Mandy Kelly says he was previously told work would start before the end of March this year, and the ongoing delays are unacceptable.

He says Uisce Eireann should immediately install an extra pump at Ballymacool as an emergency measure, and progress a long term solution as quickly as possible………..

Uisce Eireann Statement –


Uisce Éireann is aware of ongoing issues with a small number of elevated properties on the south side of Letterkenny due to higher demand and challenges with the existing infrastructure.

Due to increased demand in Letterkenny, water supply issues at the most elevated properties at Bomany, Newmills, Tullygay and surrounding areas are being experienced. 

Operations staff are making every effort to maintain water supply to customers in these areas as much as possible. In addition to a dedicated leakage reduction project, local operations staff are monitoring and optimising flows and pressures in the town around the clock. Unfortunately, bursts have a significant impact on these customers because they are elevated, and they are the first to lose supply and the last for supply to be returned to. A longer-term solution to address these supply issues for customers in Letterkenny is currently at design stage which includes examining the feasibility of an additional pump station to serve the area. 

Uisce Éireann understands and apologises for the inconvenience of unplanned water supply outages and we thank customers for their patience while our crews work to ensure that a normal water supply is returned as quickly as possible. Uisce Éireann anticipates that the interim measures implemented will reduce the outages for customers as much as possible in these areas over the coming months of high seasonal demand.

