Uisce Eireann urges water conservation as pressure grows on Letterkenny supplies

Uisce Éireann is urging people in the Letterkenny area to conserve water, saying they are experiencing high levels of demand, which is leading to some customers experiencing outages and low pressure because of the impact on reservoir levels.

As a result, homes and businesses are being asked to be mindful of their water usage to allow supply to catch up with demand and enable reservoirs to fully replenish.


Statement in full –

Uisce Éireann appeals to customers in Letterkenny to conserve water

Wednesday, 7 August, 2024 – Uisce Éireann is continuing to experience high levels of demand in the Letterkenny area and has called on customers to conserve water and protect supply. 

The surge in demand for water supply has affected reservoir levels with some customers experiencing outages and low pressure. 

As a result, homes and businesses are being asked to be mindful of their water usage to allow supply to catch up with demand and enable reservoirs to fully replenish. 

Speaking about conserving water over the coming days, Uisce Éireann’s Damien O’Sullivan said: “We are appealing to customers in the Letterkenny area to conserve water to give the reservoirs time to replenish. Any reduction that customers can make in their usage can collectively result in significant supply improvements for all customers.”

Damien added: It’s important that we all consider our water usage and look at simple yet impactful ways to conserve water. It can sometimes be difficult to know where to start, but even small changes can make a significant difference.”

For more simple ways to conserve water, check out the Uisce Éireann conservation calculator (www.water.ie/calculator) which can help people work out how much water they are currently using and how they can conserve even more. 

Uisce Éireann continues to provide detailed, real-time, and local information about water service and supply issues on www.water.ie. The Uisce Éireann customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and updates are also issued via X @IWCare. To register as a vulnerable customer or as an alternative contact, visit www.water.ie/vulnerablecustomer


For media queries please contact press@water.ie 

Notes to Editor: 


At Home:

  • Take a shorter shower
  • Fix dripping taps or leaking toilets in your home 
  • When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the tap and save up to 6 litres of water per minute 
  • Report any external leaks to Uisce Éireann at 1800 278 278. No leak fixes itself and every leak gets progressively worse. The escaping water can weaken the ground or cause slippery footpaths and roads. The leaking water reduces the supply pressure for adjacent properties. What looks like a small leak at the surface can be using the equivalent to 20-30 households.

On the Farm

  • Fix troughs – Watch out for overflowing drinking troughs as they can waste significant amounts of water. Adjust the ball valves to lower the float or replace faulty parts. 
  • Dry cleaning: Save water when cleaning the yard by using dry-cleaning techniques. Use scrapers and brushes to remove solid waste from yards and pens before hosing. You can also use a small amount of water (e.g. one bucket) to pre-soak waste before cleaning.
  • Clean plate cooler water: If you own a dairy farm, you can divert clean plate cooler water to a tank and use it for parlour washing
  • Consider Rainwater Harvesting – rain from the roofs of farm buildings can be used for a variety of activities such as washing down yards. Consider the level of rainwater quality required for specific water uses on the farm (e.g., plant nurseries and field irrigation) and the surfaces and contamination risks before you consider installing appropriate rain water harvesting, treatment (filtration and UV) and storage systems.
  • Take action to protect water sources: Avoid contamination of surface waters by reducing or eliminating access to livestock by fencing off watercourses. Pollution containing animal faeces can affect the water environment, nutrients and soil. Destroyed bankside vegetation can also contribute to flooding. 
  • There are lots more water saving tips for farmers on our website at https://www.water.ie/conservation/business/take-action/agriculture/ 
  • Uisce Éireann, as one of the leading water utilities in this space, has a first-of-its-kind dedicated water stewardship programme where we work with businesses to help them understand and reduce their water use. Find out more at water.ie/businessconserve with advice for a range of industries including hospitality, manufacturing, agriculture and small businesses. 

More information on water conservation can be found at https://www.water.ie/conservation/

