Over 1300 children remain on crèche waiting lists in Donegal

Hundreds of Donegal children under the age of three remain on waiting lists for childcare as settings are to re-open next week.

This includes 362 children under the age of 1 with just three places available for them, 468 children aged 1-2 years old with only 7 places available for this cohort and 515 children aged 2-3 years are on waiting lists with 79 places available in the county for this age group.

Early Childhood Ireland are calling for proper planning, recognition of childminding and the elevation of the status for early years education to be actioned by the government to ensure needs are met for pre-school aged children.

CEO of the organisation Teresa Heeney.

It is her view that childcare settings are not being opened were demand is most urgent.

She also says staff are leaving the sector for better conditions and this is something that comes down to basic recognition:
