Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine til Noon Show  is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast below!

After a look at some of the stories in today’s papers Cllr Jimmy Brogan joins Greg to discuss housing, Marie Houston discusses the heart wrenching cancer diagnosis received by her granddaughter Ruby and Catherine Noone discusses road safety concerns in Fahan:

The sister of disappeared Arlene Artkinson discusses the closing of the latest search for her remains, a listener is keen to see the old railway line through Barnesmore be used for  a Greenway, Julie Patton, whose son was killed by a drunk driver, reacts to some recent drink/driving detections and GP Sarah Brennan discusses why the pill should be given to 16 year-olds for free:

Caller Chris backs calls for the Barnesmore Greenway, we promote a work in the park for Parkinson’s and Chris Ashmore has business news:
