Railway View and Finnside receive positive HIQA inspection reports

HIQA has today published two inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities in Donegal.

Both facilities were found to be compliant.

Railway View recorded five substantially compliant regulations, which were training and staff regulations, governance and management communication, and general welfare and development and healthcare.

The remainder were fully compliant.

While Finnside Centre was found to be totally compliant across all regulations inspected.

The HSE made the following responses:

Railway View designated centre is managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo (CH CDLMS)

Disability Services and provides residential support to three residents. The centre is a detached bungalow which is located on a small campus based setting and is within walking distance to a town in Co. Donegal. Each resident in Railway View has their own bedroom. The bungalow has considerable collective space and spacious gardens to the rear and the front.  The centre is staffed on a 24/7 basis by a skill mix of nurses and Health Care Assistants.  Transport for the residents of Railway View is provided to support their access to community based facilities and activities.

Railway View was inspected by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) over a two day period on the 23rd and 24th May 2024. The report was published on the HIQA website on September 27th 2024.

Seventeen regulations were inspected during the inspection with twelve regulations receiving a fully compliant judgement and five deemed to be substantially complaint. 

The HSE CH CDLMS Disability Services have taken the following actions to ensure standards in the centre are compliant in full with the regulations. These are as follows:

  • Staff have completed all training requirements as per the centre’s training schedule.
  • Residents care plans have been reviewed to ensure they contain fully up-to-date information in relation to risk assessments and residents’ support needs.
  • A review has been completed of the centre’s complaints audit to ensure that all complaints have been dealt with as per the HSE’s policy on the management of feedback.

The HIQA inspector noted in the report that “through observations, documentation review and discussions with staff, it was clear that residents were well cared for and their health needs supported. Residents appeared comfortable in their home and with staff and each other.”

HSE CH CDLMS Disability Services will continue to work to ensure that a high quality service is maintained within Railway View Designated Centre.


Finnside designated centre is managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo (CH CDLMS) Disability Services and provides residential care and support to three adult residents. The centre is a detached bungalow which is located on a small campus based setting and is within walking distance to a town in Co. Donegal. Each resident in the Finnside centre has their own bedroom with access to shower room facilities, two sitting rooms, a dining room & kitchenette and an activity room. The centre has spacious gardens to the rear and the front of the property. Residents are supported by a skill mix of both nursing and care assistant staff.  Transport is provided to accommodate residents in accessing community based facilities and activities.

The Finnside centre was inspected by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) on the 2nd July 2024. The report was published on the HIQA website on September 27th 2024.

Twenty two regulations were inspected by HIQA and all were deemed fully compliant. 

On the day of inspection the HIQA inspector noted that “There was a very pleasant atmosphere in the centre.  Staff were heard chatting comfortably with residents.  They were heard singing and laughing together with residents.”   The inspector also noted that “staff offered the residents choices throughout the day. They were knowledgeable of the residents’ individual communication strategies. Two members of staff demonstrated how they had supported one resident’s communication through the use of objects.”

HSE CH CDLMS Disability Services will continue to work to ensure that a high quality service is maintained ongoing for the residents of Finnside designated centre.



