Road closures put in place for Donegal Harvest Rally

Gardaí  have advised that temporary road closures will be put in place today to facilitate the Donegal Harvest Rally.

Donegal County Council has ordered the temporary closure of roads from approximately 9am to 7.30pm.

The Harvest Rally will have three stages and will be ran over three areas (the Trentagh Stage, the Carn Hill Stage and the Ardrumman Stage). The Scrutiny and Servicing areas will be at Lisnennan, Letterkenny (adjacent to the Business Park Road).

Details of closures and alternative routes:

  • Stages 1/4/7 (Trentagh) – 9am to 6:15pm. The townlands involved are: Stackarnnagh, Sockar, Glenkeo, Magheran, Kirkstown, Rathdonnell, Gortnacorrib, Garrowcarry, Killyclug, Edenacarnan South, Killydesert, Coolboy Big, Bellanascaddan, Coolboy Little, Ballaghderg.

    The road numbers involved are: L-63921-1, L-6072-1, L-6092-1, L-6082-1, L-6152-1, L-6122-1, L-1512-5, L-1512-6, L-6032-1, L 5972-1, L-5962-1, L-5942-2, L-5942-1.

    Alternative Route: R-251 – R-250 Churchill to Letterkenny Road and N-56 Kilmcrennan to Letterkenny Road.

  • Stages 2/5/8 (Carn Hill) – 9:45am to 7pm. The townlands involved are: Tawny Lower, Drumabodan, Aghawoney, Grovehall or Newtowngrove, Drumman, Ballyarr Glebe, Mullagheep, Gortnavern, Ballyarr, Barrack, Bohirril Park, Meenatole, Borragh, Breaghy, Ards Big, Carnisk.

    The road numbers involved are: R-249-2, R-249-3, R-249-4, L-1352-4, L-1412-2, L-5892-1, L-5882-1, L-5862-1, L-1352-5, L-5842-1, L-5822- 1, L-58422-0, L-5702-1, L-5762-2.

    Alternative route: R-245 Ramelton to Milford Road and R-246 Milford to Kilmacrennan Road.

  • Stages 3/6/9 (Ardrumman) – 10:15am –to 7:30pm. The townlands involved are: Rathmelton, Ballybokeel, Newmill, Glenleary, Ardrumman, Carrowcashel, Killydonnell, Carnhill, Prablin Kilcreen, Carrygalt, Croaghan.

    The road numbers involved are: L-7272-1, L-7272-7, L-5782-1, L-1582-1, L-5792-1, L-5802-1, L-1592-1, L-16121-0, L-1602-1, L-1582-1, L-6462-1, L-1612-1.

    Alternative route: R-245-8, L-7272-3, L-7272-5, L-7272-4, L-1422-1, L1422-2.

Any branch roads leading onto the roads mentioned above may also be blocked at the junctions for a distance of up to 300m to ensure public safety on the closed roads.
