Stranorlar loses out in roads funding row

Despite officially having the worst damaged roads from the extreme cold weather at the start of the year, the Stranorlar Electoral Area is to receive the smallest share of additional roads funding.
Donegal has been awarded 4.2 million euro of government funding for roads – in the past this money was allocated to each electoral area based on the amount of roads it has, this worked favourably for Inishowen.
However it was proposed that this time, the money would be allocated to the areas worst damaged by the cold snap – Inishowen councillors reacted with fury to learn they would lose 165 thousand euro of funding while Stranorlar would gain 227 thousand.
Following an ill tempered row, the matter was put to a vote which fell in the favour of Inishowen. This proved to be a costly gamble for Stranorlar Councillors who rejected a compromise deal from their Inishowen colleagues which would see their area gain an extra 60 thousand euro.
Councillor Gerry Crawford says the outcome is a major disappointment:
