Sinn Fein has outline its opposition to the Draft County Development Plan claiming that if adopted as is, it would have a detrimental impact on the county’s rural areas.
The plan came up for discussion at this weeks meeting of Donegal County Council, just hours before it was to be released for public consultation.
Deputy Mayor, Marie Therese Gallagher, outlined Sinn Feins opposition to the plan and highlighted the detrimental effect, the party feel the plan will have the rural area’s of the county and the Gaeltacht region.
The party says there are considerable challenges within plan which the council does not have control over. The plan has been drawn up within National Planning Guidelines, Regional Planning Guidelines and under
EPA regs – SInn Fein believes these guidelines and regulations are the real challenges.
They say the plan is based on the direction of the National planning guidelines which are to centralise population,
In terms of planning, its claimed -under the guidlines being adopted – the freedom to decide where to set up home will be curtailed, and directed by the hierarchy system.
- Mon, 16 Sep 2024
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