Derry City Traffic and Car Parking 3pm update

Disruption continues in Derry this afternoon following last night’s double explosion in the City.
One device went off close to the Tourist Office on  Foyle Street, a second device went off outside the Council offices on Strand Road.
Strand Road, Queens Quay, Foyle Embankment and Johns Street are now open to through traffic.
There are traffic restrictions remaining in place between Foyleside Roundabout and Orchard Street.
Foyleside East and West Car Parks are now open for customers to retrieve their vehicles. A further update on the opening of the Car Parks for shoppers using the centre will be provided as soon as possible.
Derry City Council Offices will remained closed to public and staff today while a temporary Tourist Information Service is available at the Tower Museum tomorrow from 10.00am-3.00pm. .
