An objection has been lodged with An Bord Pleanala against plans for 16 wind turbines to be located at Newmills in Letterkenny.
GDNG Renewables Limited had been granted permission for the development on the The Letterkenny to Glenties road by Donegal County Council but two third parties have objected.
Conditional permission was given for the plans to construct 16 wind-turbines with a maximum height of 153 metres and a maximum blade width of just over 50 metres.
The development would also include access roads, underground cabling,a bridge, 2 single storey buildings and a sub station.
Permission was also sought for a 100 metre high meteorological mast.
Objections were lodged against the council decision on a number of condition including the size of the turbines, the noise they would make and the potential negative impact on nature and tourism.
Concern was also expressed that the proposed access road was in close proximity to Glenswilly National School.
There are already over a 120 wind-turbines currently located in the area.
An Bord Pleanala will decide on whether or not to over turn the council decision to grant permission by mid June.
- Fri, 14 Mar 2025
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