Almost €24 million paid out to community organisations in Donegal

Ninety four community organisations and childcare providers across County Donegal shared in more than €23.7 million in grants administered by Pobal on behalf of Government, the EU and other bodies according to a new report.
Pobal’s annual report launched this week by Minister Anne Phelan TD outlines how total funding of nearly 340 million euro was allocated on projects across the country.
The funding provided additional supports to enhance social inclusion and equality for those individuals, groups and communities most marginalised.
In Donegal, the report shows that over €8 million was spent on the Rural Social Scheme which enables low income farmers and fishing families to engage in part-time work; more than €7.7 million was allocated to the county under the Tús programme; an initiative which provides long term unemployed with a 12 month work placement while Donegal workers were paid almost €3 million in wages under the Community Service Programme.
Some of the other grants awarded to Donegal organisations included:
€1 million for Community Childcare Subvention programme which reduces the cost of childcare for disadvantaged families
€1.9 million for the Local Community Development Programme which aimed to tackle poverty and social inclusion.
€45,000 in funding for Youth Cafés
