An Bord Pleanala has granted permission for a 7 turbine windfarm despite its own inspector recommending that planning permission be refused.
Clogheravaddy Wind Farm Limited has now been green lighted to build up to 7 wind turbines and an electrical substation at Clogheravaddy on the main Donegal Town to Glenties road.
The plans were opposed by a number of parties on various grounds. It was submitted to the council by one that there was a lack of public consultation.
It was further stated that the turbines would be too close to residential property and a school, would cause noise pollution, destroy the natural landscape and could cause injury to walkers if a turbine were to fall or a blade were to break as has happened at other windfarm sites.
The Boards own Inspector noted the site lies within 15km of 13 statutorily designated Special Areas of Conservation and the site itself hosts bird species which are listed of Special Conservation Interest.
The inspector noted the was a concern that an appropriate or adequate assessment of the effects of the development on the environment had been carried out.
She said the development would be contrary to the Donegal County Development Plan and would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
Despite this, the Bord granted planning permission for the development with conditions.
- Fri, 10 Jan 2025
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