Donegal Gardai ‘kept in the dark’ over Brexit preparations

The Government is being accused of sleepwalking into Brexit in terms of not strengthening the Garda force in Donegal and other border counties.
It’s been widely argued that the force here suffered the most cut backs over the years, and now it’s feared that current resources are inadequate to deal with the potential implications of Brexit.
Donegal GRA Spokesperson Brendan O’Connor says Garda personnel are being kept in the dark as to what preparations, if any, are currently underway.
He says whatever the outcome on March 29th, Gardai will play a role in the aftermath and the relevant bodies need to start engaging with them:

Meanwhile speaking at Garda Headquarters this morning, Commissioner Drew Harris said “Reports of 600 Gardaí to be moved to the border are entirely incorrect.  I have not discussed this matter neither have I considered this proposal.
The increasing deployment of Gardaí to all policing regions including the Northern Region is commensurate with a growing organisation.

We continue to prepare for Brexit in line with Government Policy”.

