‘FUTURE Ballyshannon’ launched today

Donegal County Council has launched ‘FUTURE Ballyshannon’, a visioning project which aims to deliver a Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan for Ballyshannon Town Centre.
The Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan was commissioned by Donegal County Council in November 2020, to provide an evidenced framework that will set out the future regeneration aspirations and priorities for the town.
The Ballyshannon Town Centre Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan will establish a roadmap for the reinvention; reimagining and place-making of the town centre to help facilitate the unlocking of its unique potential including the high quality physical environment and exceptional cultural and historical heritage, as well as its coastal and riverside setting.
It will also be regeneration focused with a view to strengthening the capacity and competitiveness of the town centre and transforming the urban fabric through physical revitalisation and environmental improvements. A range of credible and deliverable actions, interventions and projects will be identified and developed to concept design stage and will be aligned to relevant funding streams to support their delivery.
GM Design Associates are assisting the Council with the project and will be working collaboratively with the local community and key stakeholders to bring about meaningful and long lasting renewal and regeneration within Ballyshannon town centre.
The plan has gone out to public consultation today with people invited to have their say. More information is available on www.futureballyshannon.com.
