Online public consultation opens for west Donegal windfarm


An online public consultation has opened for Cronalaght Windfarm Limited.
The company is planning to repower the Wind Farm in Gweedore.
There are currently 13 turbines on the Cronalaght Mountain, the original 8 in operation from 1997 to 2000 and 5 large turbines installed in 2019.
The repowering will involve replacing the original 8 turbines, with 3 larger modern turbines increasing the capacity from 5 megawatts to up to 18 megawatts for Cronalaght 1 Wind Farm Repowering.
This would result in a total of 8 turbines at Cronalaght overall.
As part of the process, Cronalaght Windfarm Ltd are hosting an online Public Information event from today until 9th April.
Project information will be available on the website, with an opportunity for feedback to be sent to the Developer via a dedicated form.
The Project Information and feedback form is available at
