Drafted letter to banks circulated among Mica affected homeowners

Banks are coming under further pressure to assist Mica affected homeowners in Donegal.

A drafted letter has been circulated to homeowners affected by the defective block issue which they are being urged to sign and deliver to the bank responsible for their mortgage.

The drafted letter begins by stating that it is a means to inform the bank that the mortgaged property is affected by Mica or Pyrite.

It claims also that Government advised homeowners when the Defective Blocks Scheme was launched in June 2020 that banks and mortgage companies had set up dedicated Mica or Pyrite departments within their organisations.

The letter which the homeowner is instructed to to sign and provide their mortgage account number asks the bank to confirm such departments have been set up.

It highlights also the decline in value of Mica affected properties and the difficulty in obtaining insurance for such properties.

The letter concludes by calling on banks to provide solutions and warns that otherwise, the biggest banking crisis could unfold.
