Have your say on ‘Ramelton Re-Imagined’


A public consultation is opening for ‘Ramelton Re-Imagined’.

The informal consultation is looking for hear the views of the local community on the preliminary designs for the Ramelton Public Realm Enhancement Scheme.

It is being funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund.

The scheme will take a sensitive approach to creating a series of public spaces connected by a walkable continuous path that wraps around the historic town core.

The preliminary designs consist of transforming Gamble’s square into a key Gateway to the town centre and a flexible market and events location with increased space for people.

Creating new road alignment at Market Cross to provide a wider footway and a crossing for a safer pedestrian experience.

Establishing ‘The Bing’ as a showcase bio-diverse, multi- terraced garden, events and play experience individual to Ramelton and accessible to all users.

The creation of a high quality public space along the Quays reflecting Ramelton’s geographical and cultural heritage.

New paving and street furniture will provide a continuous pedestrian experience linking to the rest of the town and promote trading and activities along the building edge.

Connecting Market Square by a new footpath and crossing to the series of walkable public spaces and re-establishing it as an identifiable public space for activities.

The consultation is getting underway next Wednesday from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm at Sip ‘n’ Slice on the Shore Road Ramelton.
