Body-worn cameras for Gardai to be trialled

Robbery, 92, Inch

Body-worn cameras for Gardai are to be trialled within the next year.

The Justice Minister will make the announcement later – and believes they’ll be fully rolled out from 2023.

Body-worn cameras were first recommended by the Commission on the Future of Policing in 2018.

And while they’re supported by Garda unions, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties has raised concerns over privacy rights.

Today, the Justice Minister will announce that body-worn cameras will be piloted in some Garda divisions over the next year.

Helen McEntee will tell the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors conference the devices will be hugely beneficial to investigating crime – like domestic violence incidents.

She’ll say the cameras can make sure incidents are accurately recorded – and can protect officers from harm.

The necessary legislation will be published next month – and Garda management are to engage with potential suppliers shortly.

Minister McEntee will say that while substantial work is needed, she’s confident body worn cameras will be fully rolled out from 2023.
