Issues highlighted at residential centres for older people in Donegal

HIQA has identified a number of issues at four residential centres for older people in Donegal.

Unannounced inspections were carried out at Aras Ghaoth Dobhair, Aras U Dhomhnaill, Buncrana Community Hospital and Beach Hill Manor Nursing home earlier this year.

The governance and management of Aras Ghaoth Dobhair, Derrybeg and fire precautions in place require improvement to provide a safe and effective service to residents.

Inspectors also found the financial arrangements did not provide adequate protection for residents from financial abuse.

One regulation was inspected at Aras Ui Dhomhnaill Nursing Home, Milford. It was found improvements to infection control is required.

Inspectors say there was insufficient staff rostered during the afternoon at Beach Hill Manor Private Nursing Home, Fahan to support residents’ needs, as residents had to wait for assistance.

The centre was found to be non compliant in fire precautions as access to a fire exit door was blocked by a hoist and a parked car.

Issues were also raised around care plans and the layout of some bedrooms.

Improvements were required at Buncrana Community Hospital in relation to complaints procedures and written policies and procedures

The centre was found to be non compliant in Governance and management.

Inspectors say refurbishments are needed of the centre.

The inspector found the provider had not taken adequate precautions against the risk of fire and that some residents did not have a comprehensive assessment in place

Issues around residents’ rights were highlighted.

Aras Ghaoth Dobhair, Derrybeg

Aras Ui Dhomhnaill Nursing Home, Milford

Beach Hill Manor Private Nursing Home, Fahan

Buncrana Community Hospital

HSE statement regarding HIQA inspection of Buncrana Community Hospital:

Re HIQA Inspection Buncrana Community Hospital        

Buncrana Community Hospital is a 30 bed Residential Care Facility in Buncrana , Co Donegal providing Assessment, Respite, Long Term Care, and Palliative Care for clients within the Inishowen Catchment Area.

It provides 15 long term care beds and 15 short term care beds.

Visiting arrangements in the designated centre are in line with National Guidance and local Public Health Restrictions. Visiting arrangements ensure residents were able to meet with their visitor’s in private.

A HIQA inspection was carried out on June 24th 2022 and was published on the HIQA website on October 14th 2022. Five areas were found to be compliant, 10 substantially compliant, and two were non-compliant.

The number and skill mix of staff in the centre was found to be appropriate on the day of the inspection and the person in charge ensured that a registered nurse was available at all times in the designated centre.

The HSE can confirm that action has been taken to address all areas of concern highlighted on the day of the inspection.

Since the inspection of 24th June 2022 the governance and management of The Ash Ward has been streamlined and is now being managed by the person in Charge of Buncrana Community Hospital which includes that all Policies, Procedures, Audits, and Risk Register of non-compliances include staff within The Ash Ward.

All residents are provided with opportunities to participate in activities in accordance to their preferences. Residents have access to the indoor garden areas.

A refurbishment plan for Buncrana CH is being progressed through the HSE Estates Department and is due to commence in the first quarter of 2023.

Comprehensive Risk Assessments are in place for all residents regarding fire safety.

All residents have access to TVs in the sitting rooms. IPads are available to any resident would like to watch programmes in private.

All complaints are investigated under the HSE Complaints Policy. A designated staff member has been appointed to manage all complaints logged within a set time frame.

Martin Collum, General Manager for Older Persons Services HSE Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo said The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person centered services to the residents in Buncrana Community Hospital.”
