LUH among most overcrowded hospitals in Ireland today

631 patients are without a bed in Irish hospitals today.

The INMO is calling on the HSE to intervene to protect the wellbeing of hospital staff.

Letterkenny University Hospital is the third most overcrowded in the country today with 50 patients on a trolley.

26 people are waiting on a bed in the hospital’s Emergency Department while a further 24 are waiting on wards elsewhere in the hospital.

New figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation show 631 patients are waiting on trolleys in Irish hospitals today.

That’s coupled with 690 patients admitted to hospitals with cases of Covid-19.

The INMO has called on the HSE to protect the physical and mental wellbeing of nurses and midwives.

The organisation says the level of activity seen in hospitals this Christmas period is unprecedented.

It’s also highlighted the extent to which it’s affected hospital staff, who are exhausted and burnt out.

Part of that solution, according to the INMO, is making sure the public and private sectors work together in the coming weeks.
