Number of Donegal are open for Salmon Angling in 2023

A number of rivers in Donegal are open for Salmon Angling in 2023.

Nine rivers in the Ballyshannon area and a further 14 rivers in the Letterkenny District have been included in the list of 81 rivers which will be available for salmon and sea trout fishing in 2023.

The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, has approved legislation that will govern the wild salmon and sea trout fisheries in 2023.

These will come into effect from Sunday, 1st January 2023.

In the Ballyshannon District angling will allowed in the rivers Abbey, Ballintra (Murvagh) – (downstream of junction of Ballintra and Bridgetown Rivers), Laghy (Stream), Bungosteen, Oily, Eske, Eany, Duff and Glen.

In the Letterkenny District, angling will be allowed in Isle (Burn), Mill, Clonmany, Straid, Owenamarve, Swilly, Donagh, Culoort, Lackagh, Leannan, Glenna, Ray, Bracky and Glenagannon.

Minister Ryan says the opening of certain rivers facilitates careful management of this important natural resource, for which conservation and sustainability are paramount.

48 of the rivers will be fully open, with a further 33 open to ‘catch and release’ angling as the general improvements in stocks from 2022 have been maintained for 2023.
