Rates to increase almost 8% in Derry and Strabane

Rates are set to rise in Derry and Strabane.

Derry City and Strabane District Council has agreed an almost 8% increase in rates.

The rates increase struck by Derry City and Strabane District Council at a special meeting will see an average rates bill increasing by £40.74 per annum or 78p per week.

The regional rate, set by Central Government, will be determined by the end of March and will have an impact on the overall rates bill.

On the basis that average property valuations are lower than in other Council areas, the average ratepayer in the council area will continue to pay lower rates bills than average ratepayers in the majority of other Council areas.

The Council says the agreed rates increase whilst necessitating considerable efficiencies and cutbacks, will enable it to continue to drive growth and investment across the City and Region as well as ensure the delivery of critical front-line services from street cleansing and waste, building control, planning and environmental health, grounds maintenance, parks and cemeteries, leisure, sport, health and community development and support, and vital corporate support services.
