Glenties MD AGM adjourned following heated exchanges

The AGM of the Glenties Municipal District has been adjourned following heated exchanges during the nomination process.

When nominations were invited, Cllr John Sheamais O’Fearraigh said he’d been advised by Cllr Nicholas Crossan that the Independent Grouping was putting forward Cllr Michael McClafferty as Cathaoirleach.

However, Cllr Michael Cholm McGiolla Easbuig said he had been promised the nomination by the independent grouping when the council was first elected.

At that point, Cllr McClafferty was a member of Fine Gael.

Cllr McClafferty said Cllr McGiolla Easbuig is not a member of the Independent Grouping and his nomination is the choice of the group. However, Cllr McGiolla Easbuig said he believes fairness needs to be applied.

When exchanges became heated, Cllr Marie Therese Gallagher proposed a short adjournment.
