A Letterkenny Milford Municipal District Councillor says he’s ‘flabbergasted’ after Uisce Eireann told him that the water supply at Rossbracken, Manorcunningham
did not ‘make the cut’ for inclusion in the 2023 mains rehabilitation programme, and there are no plans to replace mains in the area this year.
Cllr Gerry McMonagle says there needs to be more accountability, and he will be pursuing this matter at the highest level.
He says given that there have been two outages in the past seven days alone, the question must things get before the work is done……………..
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Uisce Eireann email –
Dear Councillor McMonagle,
Thank you for your email regarding a water outage at Rossbracken, Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal.
I can confirm that Uisce Éireann agree projects for inclusion for mains rehabilitation in conjunction with Donegal County Council. Projects are prioritised in order of a number of factors including burst frequency and water quality.
Rossbracken did not make the cut for inclusion in the 2023 mains rehabilitation programme, and thus there are no plans to replace mains in this vicinity in this calendar year.
Manorcunningham will be reviewed again for potential inclusion in the next tranche of works for delivery in 2024.
I trust you found the above information satisfactory, Thank you for contacting Uisce Éireann.