Pringle questions government ‘reluctance’ to bring in doctors from Cuba

The Dail has been told the government seems inexplicably reluctant to pursue the potential of bringing in GPs and other doctors from Cuba as an answer to the staffing crisis in hospitals and communities.

Responding to Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle, who’s been raising the issue for some time, Minister Stephen Donnelley said the HSE and Irish College of General Practitioners do not recognise medical qualifications from Cuba, but it is open to individual doctors to do exams and get certification here.

Deputy Pringle countered that several other European countries recognise Cuban qualifications, and asked why the government isn’t speaking to the Cuban authorities.

Minister Donnelley said a number of international options are being pursued…….


You can hear the whole of the exchange. including the response to Deputy Pringle’s assertion that letters to the minister were not acknowledged here –
