Arrests every half hour over bank holiday weekend for driving offences

A motorist has been arrested every half hour since Friday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence.

1,34 people have been arrested for drink or drug driving since 7am on Friday morning, according to figures released by An Garda Síochána.

Of that, 51 people were arrested between 7am on Sunday and 7 o’clock this morning.

That is an average of one arrest every 28 minutes in that 24 hour period.

This is part of the Gardaí’s Roads Enforcement Campaign, which has been in place since Thursday, and has been continuing throughout the Bank Holiday Weekend until this Wednesday.

Nearly a thousand cars have also been detected of driving over the speed limit since Friday – the highest day being yesterday with 381 detections.

Some notable detections include 203km speed in a 120 zone and a 147km speed in an 80 zone.
