Podcast Thursday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon is broadcast live weekdays from 9am to 12noon. Here you can listen back to a Podcast of Thursday’s show:

After a look at the front pages, we hear from a Ballybofey mother appealing to the council to improve access for her son who is in a wheelchair. Later Pauling Duddy joins Greg, Pauling lost her daughter to drugs earlier this year and has launched a petition to increase the penalties for those caught dealing drugs:

Danny Quigley joins Greg midway through his epic swim celebrate the lives of 110 people lost to suicide and to fundraiser for two organizations. We hear of a programme that could have you communicating in Irish in 6 weeks and we look at India’s moon landing: 

We have a number of guests in studio to raise awareness of the rare condition XP. Later two listeners are on to discuss space at Leck cemetery and a ‘Mica Tax’ if buying a house in Donegal:
