GRA to meet with Garda Commissioner again this morning

The Garda Representative Association will meet with the Garda Commissioner again this morning after what was described as a brief and direct engagement with Drew Harris yesterday.

The Commissioner’s offered to enter negotiations with Garda Associations on rosters.

The statement added that the GRA executive considered the merits of the alternative option of ‘Internal National Discussions’ as suggested, however, they said they continue to have a number of concerns which they intend to raise with the commissioner this morning, before agreeing to any such course of action.

This dispute centres on the introduction on a proposed six-days-on-four-days off roster that Commissioner Harris said would be introduced in November, regardless of opposition from the GRA.

Gardaí at present work a four-day-on-four-day-off roster which was introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Last week, rank and file gardaí overwhelming carried a vote of no confidence in the commissioner, with 98.7% backing the motion.
