Ours To Protect – Loughs Agency Draft Climate Action Plan 28/11/2023

Highland Radio are delighted to partner with Coimisiún na Meán in launching a new series dealing with various topics on sustainability.

Donna-Marie Doherty of Highland Radio will have a weekly feature on Tuesdays at 12:30 covering a real mix of different topics and interviews with businesses and experts who have a common interest on expertise in sustainability.

Coimisiún na Meán stated; ‘”Ours to Protect”, is a unique and exciting audio project – a collaboration of local and regional broadcasters from across the country who have come together to tackle climate change, champion climate action, and inform and educate audiences all over Ireland about how they can make a difference.’

This week Donna-Marie spoke with This week Highland Radio spoke to Dr. Sarah McClean, Head of Science, Loughs Agency

Did you know?

Loughs Agency is a cross body agency that provides conservation, management, promotion and development of the fisheries and marine resources of the Foyle and Carlingford areas. 

They must take into account policy and legislation on both sides of the border.

The Draft Climate Action Plan is now up for public consultation HERE

Why it’s important!

Public consultations give the general population a voice on the governance of our local areas.

In terms of climate, our local actions can have a global impact, for example the Wild Atlantic Salmon starts its life in Lough Foyle in Derry, but travels across the Atlantic ocean in its lifetime!

Learn more:

How Loughs Agency works across the NI Border > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wSqQKs7fJQ&t=1s 

How public consultations work and why their important > https://www.publicconsultation.ie/mission


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