Blaney says plan to ban cars from motorway lay-bys flies in the face of road safety advice

A Donegal Senator has hit out at proposals to ban private cars from using motorway lay-bys.

A review of the 2014 regulations commissioned by Transport Infrastructure Ireland recommends limiting motorway lay-bys for use by HGV drivers only.

However, Senator Niall Blaney says that flies in the face of road safety, particularly as motorways frequently display signs saying ‘Tiredness Kills’, and urging motorists who feel tired to take stop driving and take a nap.

TII and the government say there is a safety concern with cars and HGVs using the same lay-bys, a point repeated in the Seanad by Junior Minister Thomas Byrne.

However, Senator Blaney believes the proposal is flawed………


You can hear the full discussion here –

